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Love my snow blower

15 December 2013
plowing through the driveway
Right before we had the kid last winter, Christi told me I had to buy a snow blower because she didn't want me out shoveling for hours on end while she took care of H. I was always in the mindset that I'm in my 20s and it's a good workout ... but boy has that changed.

I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting older/lazier, but ever since buying it last year, I just hope for massive snow accumulations each time a storm is coming (not so much that we lose power again, however). Now having one, it's completely changed my perspective.

It took me longer to shovel around the garbage cans, the walk to the front door and around the Jeep than it did to snow blow the entire driveway. And, we even have a deep and wide driveway. I even joked with Christi that I'm so far on the other side of the fence that I would even pay the teenager next door to do my shoveling for me when I'm done with the main parts.

At the end of the day, what did I learn? That my wife is always right.